This is the first lesson any law student should learn. Why did the “law” come into being? What is the result? Why should we protect it? What is the harm to us and future generations if it is not used properly? A lawyer should be like a sociologist. When that is not the case, society breaks down and ordinary people lose faith in the law. So that should be the first lesson in the journey of becoming a lawyer. Whether you are a future judge or a senior lawyer, you must not forget the sociological value and existence here. It is important to keep in mind that a monetized lawyer will only do serious harm to society, and will only do what he is told when he dies.
The subject of “law” is an essential element of the progress of human society. When there is no law, the destruction of that society takes place. It must be remembered that if there is no law, there will inevitably be a world, a land and a village full of barbaric people. No one can say when and by what law the law originated. But it is better to think of the subject of “law” as the result of a way of life that has existed since the beginning of ancient man. Therefore, we have to assume that it is more appropriate to assume that the sources of law originated with the beginning of human civilization.
The historical origins of the law can be traced back to the history of Mesopotamia, Egypt, the Hittite Empire, Israel, Greece, and Rome, the oldest known civilizations in the world.
The unique feature that we can see when we look at all these civilizations is that all those civilizations came into being as human groups with a suitable environment and background. Like animals, we need food and water to survive. Also need tree vines. For this reason, the early peoples created their habitats along the rivers and streams. The other point that emerges from looking at past civilizations from sociological contexts is that man has inherited the ability to live collectively from the beginning. It is possible that these imaginary small groups of people were the pioneers in creating the law to resolve the conflict with this collective. We must be right to think so. Looking at the current legal system, it is clear that we as human beings have a set of duties and responsibilities that, and the fears that arise in society when those duties and responsibilities are not fulfilled or violated, create a certain dangerous situation against human existence. That. It should be clearly understood that such a situation arises because those duties and responsibilities have not been fulfilled and they will have to be punished. It is clear that the people of ancient times also took this situation very well. From then on, it must be clearly learned that they maintained a discipline under a certain law and defended each other within their own groups.
Each community has its own set of rules based on its beliefs and needs. Accordingly, legal systems, legal rights and duties of societies were established and customs and festivals, legal cultures etc. were endowed to the world.
The most important thing you need to know before learning the law is, Why did the law end up in the world? Is to become a legal scholar by properly understanding and adapting to its meaning. You do not need to be a law graduate to become a legal scholar. By the end of our tutorial, you will have become a legal expert. Then you will become a humanitarian or a lawyer. Otherwise, if you become a lawyer, you will definitely become a lawyer or a judge who steals money from your client and degrades the legal profession. We can see plenty of such legal professionals. You can also see great ones. Unfinished professionals, as I mentioned, are misunderstood and uneducated. What they often do is misbehave using the gaps in their dental law. A free, free-minded person will be able to die if he makes sure to be a citizen free from mere selfishness.
We are first learning about the topic of “How the History of Law Relates to Human Civilization.” In the past, human beings have built up these parts of the law or customs and rituals and proceeded to live their lives accordingly. Rituals are good deeds to be maintained. Virtues are bad habits that must be abandoned. The social existence of ancient man has been based on customs developed on doing good and forsaking evil. It can be seen in the actions of the people that they have done their job well in good governance such as proper leadership, proper vision, making the right decisions and implementing them, keeping future generations alive, making them have the right vision. It can be seen that they have done a good job of welcoming their leaders. The best example of this is the ‘Tribal Council’ which is believed to have existed in Sri Lanka. Accordingly, it is very clear that “prehistoric tribal patterns can be traced back to the roots of modern social legal systems.
Accordingly, you must finally identify the ancient existence of law through sociological contexts. You must be concerned with strengthening the law and enforcing the law properly, as well as understanding the damage and social degradation that is taking place to society through the breaking of the law. We must not forget that building society, not breaking down society, is our number one responsibility.
Let’s meet in the second lesson. (Customs and Law)