It is reported that Anamaduwa police arrested four other people yesterday (23), including the suspect’s wife who gave a cash contract of 100,000 rupees to kill her husband due to an extramarital relationship, the suspect who maintained the extramarital relationship.
It is said that the suspect has been having an affair with her husband’s best friend.
As it will be a problem if her husband finds out about this relationship, this suspect has planned to kill her husband together with the person who maintained the affair. The suspect planned to commit this murder when she was visiting her parents with her children. The person who had an affair with the suspect promised two hired thugs living in Negombo a sum of one lakh rupees and gave the contract to kill the concerned person.
It is reported that the concerned husband, who was injured by the sword, is currently receiving treatment in the intensive care unit of the Colombo National Hospital.
It is said that the wife of the suspect involved in the incident, the person who was having an affair, as well as the other suspects were also arrested and the swords and knives used for the murder were found thrown into Nebada Lake.