It has been revealed that 343 Sri Lankan migrant workers have lost their lives while working in Qatar since 2014.
The causes of death of these Sri Lankan migrant workers are listed as “natural”, “suicide”, “homicide”, “road accidents”, “other accidents”, “Covid deaths” and “unconfirmed deaths”. has been reported.
Also, as reported, 37 deaths have been reported by 31st October 2022 and the causes of those deaths are 207 natural deaths, 30 suicides, 06 domestic murders, 50 deaths due to road accidents, and other accidents. 35, 14 covid deaths and 01 unconfirmed deaths.
This unconfirmed death is a reported death in the year 2020 and it is stated that 14 COVID deaths have been reported, including 11 in 2021 and 03 in 2022.
Also, the highest number of deaths have been reported in 2015 and the causes of death have been mentioned as 29 natural deaths, 05 suicides, 12 road accidents and 06 other incidents.
A revelation about the Sri Lankans who lost their lives in Qatar.