Joseph Stalin Magatha, Secretary of Ceylon Teachers Union, stated that the delay in the evaluation of the answers of the General Certificate of Advanced Level Examination will lead to a delay in the planned examination schedule and that teachers will not apply for the daily stipend paid for these evaluation activities due to the amount of 2000 rupees. It is reported.
“The reason for not applying was that the stipend paid for the evaluation of these answer sheets was at a minimum level. The evaluation work has not started since 22nd. Then what is happening now is that the upcoming exams will be delayed a lot. Here, the Minister of Education has given 3,000 rupees because these stipends are not enough. A cabinet paper has been submitted to increase the daily allowance. In this cabinet paper, the daily allowance is only 2,000 rupees. This is not enough. Because of this, the application of teachers may be delayed due to its extension. The government should know that these evaluations are needed at this time. Strengthening the process. We want to come to the exam in the relevant year. Only then will this crisis in education be over.”