The Director General of Agriculture Insurance Board Panduka said that they will use drone technology to assess the damages due to the current dry weather conditions and from the 25th of next month, it is planned to complete the damage assessment and hand over the report to the Ministry of Finance by the 31st of this month. It is reported that Mr. Weerasinghe said.

And he has further mentioned that 1230 acres of cultivated land in Puttalam district has been completely destroyed due to drought.

Mr. Panduka Weerasinghe who commented in this regard,
“At this time, in order not to cause any injustice to the farmers affected by the drought, the officials of the Agricultural Insurance Board are doing this damage assessment at the ground level. In addition, we will send drones together with the Sri Lanka Air Force on the 25th and make more accurate estimates of the damage in the affected areas within the next few days. I believe that by August 31st, all the damages can be checked and completed. After that, a report on the damaged fields will be prepared and submitted to the Treasury by the Ministry of Agriculture, and the farmers are expected to be compensated for the damages.”

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