Participating in the public program held recently on TNL TV, the General Superintendent Engineer, Deputy General Superintendent of the Electricity Board, Noel said that students should study by lamp and write the exam and if there is no electricity, they should go or study somewhere.
Also, he mentioned the facts here without knowing that there is no oil in the country, which is the current situation. Also, it was clearly seen that this official has no knowledge of the problems in the society due to the electricity cut and that their need is a target of the dictatorial system.
W. A. Priyantha, Chief Secretary of Electricity Workers’ Union, Ranjan Jayalal, Chief Secretary of Electricity Workers’ Union, and Nandika Pathirage, Viluli Engineer, also gave comments. However, in these comments, it was seen in the comments of the electrical engineers and other parties that the power plant is being sold.
Watch the program below