It is reported that the Inginiagala police have started investigations regarding the disappearance of two schoolgirls who studied in the 11th grade of Inginiagala Polwatta Maha Vidyalaya.

It is said that the two missing students are two students who were closely related.

According to reports, 16-year-old BG Ashani Vashmika and FR Pavisha Nethmini, both residents of Ginniagala Polwatta area, have gone missing.

On the 15th, Paweesha had come to Ashani’s house after telling her parents that she was going to school. Later, Ashani and Paweesha left the house saying that she was going to a tutoring class.

Ashani’s father works in Colombo and her mother gave up giving when she was young. Ashani is said to be living with her grandmother.

The two female students who left the house and did not return home have filed a complaint at the Ginniagala police station regarding the incident. On the day they left the house and the day after that, they made a phone call to their friend and it is said that the two female students are in the Colombo area. It is stated that the friend has been declared.

The concerned students have been called to the police and questioned and no specific information has been revealed regarding the disappearance of these two students. The Ginniagala police have stated that they will carry out investigations with the help of all police stations, and if there is any information regarding these students, they will inform the nearest police station. .

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