On 16-03-2023, Rakwana police officers had seized more than 8 kg of Vallapatta which was being transported in the luxury car bearing SGCAR 3390. But after receiving a bribe of one and a half lakh, Rakwana Police Station Officer has arranged to release the car.

According to reports, the owner of this car, which was arrested that day, made a phone call and brought a person named Madusankha, a resident of Uduwaka, Gatahetta, with his motorcycle. He had come on motorcycle bearing number WPWC 3432.

It is reported that the owner of the car in question took one and a half lakh rupees from Godakawela Hatton National Bank and gave it to Rakwana Police Station Commander and redeemed the car.

It has been reported to us that the car with more than 8 kg of Vallapatta was seized between 2-3 in the afternoon but it is mentioned in the book at around 8.15 at night.

It is mentioned that the details are from the person who came on the motorcycle, and it is stated that there is 1 kg of Vallapatta, but it is admitted that there are few grams.

It has been reported to us that the Police Investigation Unit operated by the Police Headquarters has obtained the necessary information and CCTV footage to remove the Rakwana Police Station Commander from his post.

Then why is such a police station commander still detained at the police station? We also have doubts whether he has given a bribe amounting to crores to the Police Special Investigation Unit, which is currently being held.

Accordingly, he should be released from the police department without making him a person dependent on public money. It should be understood that he is a blemish on the entire police department, and that such politicians are a nuisance to the country that the president is struggling to build.

Senior police officers should know that thousands of other police officers will be born in their way. Does he hold on to political influence? In order to know who those politicians are, we are informed that Rakwana residents are making plans to engage in a protest.

Therefore, the officers who do any drudgery to protect their position are of no use to the police.

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