Rambukpotha Primary School, Hunnasgiriya, Teldeniya Education Zone, Kandy District, Central Province, Sri Lanka was established in 1939. Since then there have been classes up to the GCE O / L and more than 600 children have studied in this school. At present the school has about 30 students and 5 teachers. It is said that there are trainees among the five teachers.
The only building where the school children stay is a rainwater drainage system and the building is infested with termites and mudslides. The building is made of clay and stone and is on the verge of collapse. The roof has been repaired several times but the tiles are broken. During the rainy season, children carry their tables and chairs to places where they are not wet.
Children from about four Grama Niladhari Divisions come to this school for education and there is no way to go to this school. There is a small footpath. That small footpath is also located in the middle of the temple garden.
The school was closed in early 2005. However, due to the efforts of the locals, the school was reopened in the same year.
Many Sri Lankan adults try to get their child into the best school in town. But a large number of children who go to school in the city also do not have access to university and many are in regular employment. At the same time, there are many schools in Sri Lanka where there are very helpless children without any facilities. Although education and other administrators send their children to high schools for education, we have ample evidence to show that they pay very little attention to the educational needs of other children in the country.